Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rape Jokes Inside

Humanoids from the Deep is infamous for being the "monster rape movie." Hearing that vaulted it to the top of my personal Netflix queue for a romantic movie night viewing with my wife.

 Legendary schlock producer Roger Corman gave female director Barbara Peeters specific instructions on what to do when making this: the monsters kill the men and rape the women. Upon seeing her cut Corman wasn't satisfied with the amount of monster-on-female action and had the second unit director film additional scenes. Peeters wasn't happy about it.

So how rapey is Humanoids exactly? There's two scenes of a guy in a goofy looking monster suit attacking women by laying down on them for a second. Anyone upset by this is way too sensitive and have no business watching an exploitation movie of any sort. What they should do is get the guy who did the Piranha remake and create another remake of Humanoids (there was one in the 90's nobody watched) starring Daniel Tosh that focuses on monsters coming out of the sea to plant their eggs in men's butts. Exploitation flicks could use the gender reversal and besides, everyone knows it's a lot funnier when a man gets raped.

A majority of the story is what is typical of this sort, meaning mostly boring crap with a few entertaining scenes. Towards the end the creatures attack a carnival creating a big gory climax that wasn't really worth the effort.

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